Sunday, March 30, 2008

stuff you can do while here

first thing you can do: go to the hospital
step one: wake up at 2 in the morning and not be able to move your face. panic a little bit. step two: then have your housemate very kindly go to the hospital with you. step three: get pumped full of antihistamines and steroids and then go home the next day.
second thing you can do: have awesome dance hour with autistic kids
step one: put on music for half an hour. step two: rock out.
third thing you can do: spend time with lovely friends of your grandparents
step one: go over to the ein kerem neighborhood near the israel museum. step two: eat fresh artichokes and other delicious delectables. step three: have an enlightening conversation. appreciate them.
fourth thing you can do: tmol shilshom
step one: meet up with riki from vancouver and micah from florida. step two: go to tmol shilshom, the israel answer to praha's literarni kavarnas. be surrounded by books. step three: eat shakshooka and bread with tapenades. step four: talk for hours.
fifth thing you can do: go to the mall
step one: hate it. step two: yuck. i hate the mall. step three: eww.

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